Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Workout 8-4-09

Tonight's workout was Shape's 20-Minute Makeover. This workout has its ups and downs, but is overall a solid dvd that will get your heart rate up and will have you covered in sweat if you really get into it. Plus, the instructor (Elise Gulan) is totally adorable and really makes you want to perform, if only to please her. The dvd is split into five segments: a 20-minute total body interval workout; a 10-minute cardio conditioning segment; and a 10-minute section for abs, legs, and arms.

Tonight I did the interval workout and the abs segment, which took about 35 minutes (each segment goes over by a couple of minutes). The interval segment starts out slow in terms of moves, with lots of knee ups and some kicks. The strength moves are largely yoga-inspired, which I loved. Some of the cardio intervals were more innovative, with ballet jumps and some balance moves. Overall, it was a good workout, and I was definitely sweating by the end. The abs segment was pretty good - not too hard and not too easy. It was mostly pilates inspired, which is good if you're like me and want to flatten your abs, as opposed to building a six-pack.

I got this dvd from netflix and while I did like it enough to keep it a few extra days to do it more than once, I don't think I'll be buying it. I will definitely looking for more workouts with Elise Gulan though.

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